Cars Expert

Quando trocar o seu carro, veja dicas

Quando trocar o seu carro, veja dicas

A dúvida que quase todos têm é saber a hora certa de trocar seu carro usado por um novo. Infelizmente não há uma fórmula matemática para descobrir isso, pois vários fatores devem ser levados em consideração antes de se desfazer do seu carro. Teoricamente, o ideal seria ficar com o carro enquanto durasse a garantia de fábrica ou do revendedor. No caso de carros novos, esse período varia de um a quatro anos. “Assim o proprietário terá sempre baixíssimo custo com manutenção”.

Mas, na vida real, nem todos podem se dar ao luxo de trocar de carro a cada um ou dois anos. E essa prática nem sempre é um bom negócio. Por ano, o veículo perde um pouco do seu valor. É a depreciação, diferença entre o que se pagou e quanto ele vale agora. E a maior desvalorização ocorre nos dois primeiros anos. Nesse caso, pode chegar a 25%, se for um sedã de luxo. E aí, a troca no curto prazo pode não significar vantagem financeira. É preciso analisar muito bem sua situação antes de qualquer decisão. Em geral, quanto mais velho o carro, maiores os gastos com manutenção. Mas, se o veículo faz poucas visitas à oficina e tem peças baratas, você ainda pode estar no lucro. A situação se inverte com o tempo. Gasta-se cada vez mais num produto que vale cada vez menos. E entre os gastos que aumentam estão peças, mão-de-obra e seguro, que num carro muito usado podem custar o mesmo que num modelo 0 km.

Preço de compra........:
ex.: 13500
Preço atual...................:
ex.: 12800
Ano do Carro...............:
ex.: 1997
Km. Rodados...............:
ex.: 40000
ex.: 2000*
(*quanto você gastou na manutenção do seu carro nos últimos doze meses, incluindo quebras e substituições normais de peças)
Valor anual do seguro...:
ex.: 1800


Aprenda a conservar seu carro

Conservando Seu Carro

Motor :

Não permita, de maneira nenhuma, que o motor trabalhe em rotações muito baixas. Andar, por exemplo, a 40 Km/h em quarta marcha, representa uma carga muito forte para o motor.
Da mesma forma, nunca ultrapasse o limite de giros. Ir além dar faixa vermelha do conta giros pode comprometer a vida útil do motor e, em situações extremas, entortar válvulas, quebras as bielas ou danificar o bloco do motor. Mesmo no inverno, não deixe o motor funcionando muito tempo para aquecer. A temperatura ideal é atingida mais facilmente com o carro em movimento. Basta dirigir com suavidade. Nas trocas de óleo, jamais coloque o líquido além do nível indicado. O excesso acaba sujando as velas, prejudicando a queima de combustível. O carro vai acabar perdendo potência e consumindo mais combustível. Para garantir medição precisa, sempre faça a verificação dos níveis de óleo e água com o motor frio. Faça sempre as revisões e trocas de componentes no prazo recomendado pelo fabricante. Nunca abra a tampa do reservatório de água com o motor quente. Isso acaba despressurizando todo o sistema, gerando bolhas de ar que podem prejudicar a circulação da água e, em uma situação extrema, levar ao superaquecimento do motor.

Sistema de freios :

Ao descer uma ladeira, procure usar a mesma marcha que colocaria se estivesse na subida.
Jamais utilize o ponto morto, pois os freios não conseguir segurar o veículo em uma situação de emergência. Além disso, o maior esforço dos freios pode levar os discos e pastilhas ao superaquecimento. O carro pode ficar sem freios. Cheque mensalmente o nível do fluido de freio. Quando for completá-lo, tome cuidado para não deixar cair nenhuma partícula de sujeira. Qualquer resíduo pode comprometer o perfeito funcionamento do sistema. Ao aproximar o carro de cruzamentos e semáforos, tire o pé do acelerador e mantenha a marcha engatada para que o motor diminua a velocidade do carro. Você evita freadas bruscas e preserva discos e pastilhas de freio.

Transmissão :

Não descanse o pé no pedal da embreagem enquanto dirige. Este é um hábito muito comum entre os motoristas, mas que pode provocar a queima do disco da embreagem. Além disso, os rolamentos e o volante do motor podem ser danificados. Quando parar em ladeiras, jamais segure o carro pisando no acelerador e na embreagem ao mesmo tempo. Esse procedimento, além de aumentar o consumo de combustível, desgasta o conjunto de disco e platô da embreagem, diminuindo sua vida útil. Ao parar em semáforos, é aconselhável colocar o câmbio em ponto morto, evitando ficar com a embreagem acionada por muito tempo. Esse procedimento, por mais simples que pareça, ajuda muito a prolongar a vida útil de todo o conjunto.

Sistema elétrico :

Não tente dar a partida por mais de sete segundos seguidos. Se necessário, aguarde vinte segundos entre cada nova tentativa. Acionar insistentemente a ignição pode acabar descarregando a bateria. Não utilize detergente comum no reservatório de água do limpador de pára-brisas. Coloque apenas produtos indicados pelo fabricante, pois a oleosidade de certos produtos podem acabar forçando a bomba elétrica. Além disso, a borracha das paletas pode ficar ressecada, forçando uma troca desnecessária. Evite acionar a bomba elétrica do limpador por mais de 30 segundos ou com o reservatório vazio, porque isso pode danificá-la. Carro com injeção eletrônica requer cuidados especiais na hora de se fazer a ligação direta (popularmente conhecida como "chupeta"). Siga os seguintes passos :

1- Ligue o carro para prover energia.
2- Conecte primeiro os pólos positivos de cada cabo e, em seguida, os pólos negativos.
3- A seguir, acelere o carro para liberar a energia em marcha lenta (cerca de 1500 rpm).
4- Acione a chave do carro que está recebendo a energia.
5- Depois que ele pegar, ligue o farol alto e o desembaçador elétrico (dispositivos que consomem mais energia, evitando variações de corrente que podem prejudicar o funcionamento da injeção).
6- Só então desconecte os cabos.

Economia de combustível :

Evite freadas e aceleradas bruscas. Não acelere desnecessariamente, seja com o carro parado ou em movimento. Sempre que possível, rode com as janelas fechadas. Dessa maneira, a resistência do ar diminui, propiciando uma boa economia de combustível. Faça verificações periódicas dos filtros de ar e de combustível, trocando-os nas quilometragens recomendadas pelo fabricante do veículo. Jamais ultrapasse a capacidade de carga de seu veículo. Além de mais consumo de combustível, haverá um desgaste de todo o sistema de suspensão, freios e pneus. Nas estradas, assim que o carro atingir a velocidade desejada, vá soltando aos poucos o pedal do acelerador. Não acelere o carro antes de desligar o motor. Este procedimento era necessário antigamente, quando o coletor tinha que ficar com combustível para o automóvel pegar com maior facilidade mais tarde. Atualmente isso representa apenas aumento no consumo de combustível. Além disso, isso pode provocar danos no catalisador, aumentando a emissão de poluentes, prejudicando o desempenho.

Pneus :

Os sulcos existentes nos pneus não podem ter profundidade inferior a 1,6 milímetros.
Os pneus trazem indicadores de desgaste. Estão localizados em seu costado, entre os sulcos e em alto-relevo. Quando eles se tornam visíveis, chegou a hora de substituir o pneu.
Evite rodar com pneu vazio: o estrago pode atingir a roda. Em caso de furos, pneus em bom estado aceitam consertos sem problemas, podendo rodar ainda por muitos quilômetros. Mas fique atento: observe se o borracheiro utiliza ferramentas e materiais adequados. Nunca permita que ele retire o pneu com uma marreta, pois há o perigo de prejudicar tanto a estrutura do pneu quanto o aro da roda. No caso de estragos maiores, como um corte, o ideal é procurar o atendimento ao consumidor do fabricante do pneu. O conserto em borracharia pode gerar uma bolha e problemas futuros. Evite dirigir em alta velocidade, pois exige maior esforço da carcaça, provocando superaquecimento e acelerando o desgaste.
Fazer curvas em alta velocidade forçam o atrito, causando desgaste excessivo nas laterais da banda de rodagem. Evite freadas e arrancadas bruscas, que favorecem o desgaste irregular. Subir e descer a guia da calçada pode causar cortes ou quebras na estrutura do pneu. Evite ao máximo esse tipo de manobra. Ao estacionar, não encoste a lateral dos pneus no meio fio. Esse procedimento pode resultar em separações na estrutura. Não estacione sobre óleo, solventes ou outros derivados de petróleo. O contato dos pneus com esse tipo de produto agride a estrutura do pneu e pode provocar um desgaste prematuro. Não rode com excesso de carga no veículo: pode haver deformação e quebra da estrutura dos pneus, além do comprometimento de todo o sistema de suspensão. Evite ao máximo impactos violentos em buracos ou obstáculos. Podem surgir bolhas ou mesmo haver a quebra da estrutura do pneu

Outras Dicas :

1 - Se o seu carro possui ar condicionado, no inverno, acione-o por pelo menos trinta minutos no período a cada trinta dias. O sistema pode ficar com o funcionamento comprometido com a falta de utilização.

2 - Ao fechar a tampa do capô, o ideal é soltá-lo a cerca de um palmo de altura. Evite apoiar-se em áreas flexíveis para não amassá-la.

3 - Nunca utilize palhas de aço para limpar os vidro de seu automóvel. Use limpa-vidros ou álcool com jornal, que não deixa vestígios de fiapos como o pano.

4 - Se o vidro traseiro possui desembaçador, cuidado ao limpar a parte interna. Jamais utilize produtos abrasivos, nem encoste objetos pontudos ou cortantes, para não danificar os filetes de aquecimento.

5 - Jamais pulverize a parte inferior do carro com querosene ou óleos minerais, procedimentos que são muito comuns nos postos de gasolina. Esse tipo de produto resseca as borrachas e acaba estragando lonas e pastilhas de freio.

6 - Se o veículo possuir catalisador, evite fazê-lo pegar no tranco. O combustível ainda não queimado pode se alojar no interior do equipamento, o que aumenta o risco de superaquecimento do motor.

Recomendações gerais :

- Use sempre as medidas indicadas pelo fabricante do veículo, que são informadas no manual do proprietário. Tamanhos diferentes daqueles recomendados alteram o comportamento da direção, tornando o carro inseguro.

- Prefira o desenho da banda de rodagem compatível com seu tipo de carro e uso. Não coloque pneus lameiros em carros que rodam basicamente no asfalto, nem dirija com pneus para asfalto na terra.

- Não monte pneus com tamanhos e construções diferentes em um mesmo veículo: utilizar diagonais e radiais em um mesmo carro o tornará instável.

- Para igualar o uso dos cinco pneus do carro (incluindo o estepe), faça um rodízio pelo menos a cada 10 000 quilômetros. Ele compensará as diferenças do desgaste, permitindo aumento de quilometragem e proporcionando boa estabilidade.

A hora de balancear :

O primeiro sinal de que é preciso fazer um balanceamento das rodas é o aparecimento de trepidações no volante. Fique atento, também, a qualquer desgaste irregular dos pneus.
Rodas desbalanceadas danificam os pneus, diminuindo sua vida útil. Além disso, provoca um grande desconforto em situação de uso, devido às trepidações que são transmitidas ao volante e ao sistema de suspensão (que também terá sua vida útil encurtada). Faça o balanceamento toda vez que trocar os pneus, quando fizer rodízio das rodas ou após fazer algum tipo de reparo no pneu ou na câmara.

Quando for calibrar :

Tenha sempre o cuidado de rodar com a pressão correta, pois a calibragem incorreta é o principal fator que diminui a vida útil dos pneus. A calibração deve acontecer semanalmente, sempre com pneus frios Calibre os pneus sempre que for pegar estrada. Excepcionalmente nessas condições, é aconselhável utilizar duas libras acima da normalmente recomendada. Aproveite a calibragem para certificar-se de que as válvulas não apresentam vazamentos e que estão com suas respectivas tampas, evitando a penetração de umidade no interior do pneu. Utilizar pressão abaixo da recomendada aumenta a área de contato do pneu com o solo, provocando rapidamente o desgaste nas laterais da banda de rodagem. Isso diminui a durabilidade, piora o consumo de combustível, superaquece os pneus e pode gerar quebras e separações dos componentes de sua estrutura. A pressão acima da indicada altera o contato do pneu com o solo, acelerando o desgaste no centro da banda de rodagem. Além disso, o supertensionamento da carcaça o torna mais suscetível a cortes, prejudica o conforto ao rodar e diminui a aderência. Não descanse o pé no pedal da embreagem enquanto dirige. Este é um hábito muito comum entre os motoristas, mas que pode provocar a queima do disco da embreagem. Além disso, os rolamentos e o volante do motor podem ser danificados.

Fique atento aos barulhos no seu carro :

Ao dar a partida, fique atendo a qualquer chiado semelhante ao jato de uma torneira. Em geral, esse ruído é provocado por um problema no bêndix do motor de arranque, que futuramente pode vir a afetar o induzido, o automático e a bobina de campo.

Quando for ligar o carro, barulho de peças batendo, associadas a trepidações devem significar que o escapamento ou os dispositivos que dão sustentação ao motor e ao câmbio, protetor do cárter, suporte do coxim e os próprios coxins apresentam problemas.

Os problemas de sustentação do motor ou do câmbio também podem ser percebidos por um tranco forte ao tirar o pé da embreagem, principalmente depois de engatar a primeira marcha. Um barulho semelhante a disparos ininterruptos de uma metralhadora, ao acelerar, indica que a saúde do motor não vai muito bem, pois está "rajando", como se diz popularmente. Vale lembrar que a lubrificação é absolutamente indispensável para a conservação do motor, portanto fique sempre atento ao seu nível e efetue as trocas na quilometragem recomendada pelo fabricante do veículo. Se você passar por buracos e ouvir ruídos de objetos soltos batendo, atenção. Se esses ruídos forem acompanhados de uma trepidação no volante e desgaste irregular nos pneus, provavelmente há algum problema na caixa de direção. Outra hipótese é que algum componente da suspensão esteja desgastado. Faça uma inspeção completa de todo o sistema. Se, ao pisar no freio, você escutar um chiado metálico de ferro contra ferro, está na hora de substituir as pastilhas de freio.
Se você perceber ruídos semelhantes a um bater de panelas, principalmente durante as partidas, o silencioso do escapamento deve estar solto ou quebrado. Pneus cantando em curvas são um indício de que o carro pode estar desalinhado. Isso pode acontecer quando passamos por buracos ou batemos o pneu no meio fio. Ainda nas curvas, preste atenção se não há um ruído contínuo nas curvas fechadas. Se acontecer, pode ser um problema na junta homocinética. Vale a pena prestar atenção no motor em marcha lenta. Um barulho parecido com o de uma máquina de costura indica que as válvulas de admissão e escape, localizadas no cabeçote, estão desreguladas. Nessa situação, o carro perde desempenho e consome mais combustível. Com o carro em movimento, preste atenção em qualquer barulho semelhante ao zumbido de um besouro. Esse tipo de ruído é sinal de um desgaste nos rolamentos da roda e aparece principalmente em alta velocidade.

Mercedes Arrow Is A Lightweight Two-Seater Vehicle Gives You The Feeling Of Sliding With A Bobsleigh

Mercedes Arrow has been designed to draw a comparison with other recreational vehicles such as motorcycles, jetskis or personalized aircraft. This stunning vehicle gives its passengers the ride of their life. The bobsleigh shaped body, the lightweight materials and the sporty look enable it to shoot through heavy traffic like an arrow from a bow. This experience can only be enjoyed by two passengers, their seats are placed one in front of another. One of the stunning features this futuristic car has, is that it combines TANDEM with MAGLEV technology to take sharp corners. This innovative feature allows the body of the car to tilt left and right when the car is taking corners, thus minimizing the wheels tilt angle. There is an almost non-existing chance for the vehicle to slide out of control. Due to the slim body, the wheels cover the same space of tarmac, just as a contemporary car, eliminating the risk of the car flipping over. The designer, Felipe Palermo, found inspiration in the old Silver Arrows, the SLR McLaren and the 1954 Gull-Wing.

Designer : Felipe Nogueria Palermo

Mercedes arrow concept6

Mercedes arrow concept7

The whole design and idea put this concept automotive in a near future, where people won’t be using cars anymore. A future where the whole transport itself will be based on rail systems. Felipe’s Arrow vehicle is designed for fun in the weekends, a recreational vehicle. The air intake placed in the rear of the car, over the last passenger, reminds us that the whole vehicle is based on Mercedes’ racing history and its super-cars. The airintake is also a starting point for the side bars, which strengthens the body and hold between them a small wind shield in front of the driver. Mercedes Arrow will be equipped with the next generation tire technology. They will have the ability to never wear out, the driver will be able to re-inject them with rubber and take the car for a spin, again. Felipe Palermo has applied everything he has learned at the IED, where he graduated in Car Design in 2007. He also has a post degree in Transportation Design and Industrial Design at FAAP, and is currently working at Mercedes-Benz Design Studio in Brazil.

Mercedes arrow concept8

Mercedes arrow concept9

Mercedes arrow concept4

Mercedes arrow concept1

Mercedes arrow concept2

Mercedes arrow concept3

Peugeot Modif


Automobile industry has seen various changes in past few years. Trend for compact hybrid cars is at its peak now a days. Several new designs are shaped every day and there is lot more to come.
Peugeot Modif is a fabulous design for a hybrid car that will be very successful in small towns and tight places. It has a two tone color scheme and the center of this is the large rubber tube-like center shaft that allows the car to squeeze up to 88 centimeters and also provides the front of the car with flexibility to swivel from side to side 18.5 degrees for better drive.
I liked the design as it is different from traditional designs, it features white tires and large black chrome wheels with each tire having six special pads holding sensors to intimate the driver for adjustment of car according to road conditions. Inside each massive wheel is a powerful hydrogen hybrid engine. 80% of the material used to make is renewable, the a rubber element in the front part houses the oil, water and CPU.


The cockpit of the car is covered by a large bubble top one-piece window that provides the passenger and the driver with an unobstructed view up to 360 degrees. Rare view cameras on both sides constantly provide with the status of the road behind on a screen embedded on the dashboard. It also features a high-discharge red led emergency light on the top for you to cherish a V.I.P. feeling. The exhaust pipe is positioned in the center that only emits water.


Citroen Survolt Concept 2010

Citroen Survolt Concept 2010
Citroen Survolt Concept 2010
Citroen Survolt Concept 2010
Citroen Survolt Concept 2010
Citroen Survolt Concept 2010
Citroen Survolt Concept 2010
Citroen Survolt Concept 2010
Citroen Survolt Concept 2010
Citroen Survolt Concept 2010 Citroen Survolt Concept 2010

O para-brisa quebrou e agora

O para-brisa quebrou e agora

É comum na estrada uma pedra bater no pára-brisa e estilhaçar o vidro, deixando o motorista sem visibilidade. Se isso acontecer, conduza o veículo para o acostamento. Cubra o painel com um jornal (papelão ou toalha) e com um sapato e a mão protegida por uma flanela, vá batendo no pára-brisa até remover todos os fragmentos. Depois, com cuidado, retire o jornal e jogue fora todos os estilhaços. Limpe os resíduos do painel e dos bancos para não se cortar. Então, feche todos os vidros e siga -devagar- até o posto mais próximo. Lá, dê uma boa aspirada no interior do veículo. Depois vá até a oficina ou revenda mais próxima para fazer a troca do vidro.

Sprint Car Racing Fast and Furious

The second night of the Fred Brownfield Memorial akan always a hot night sprint car racing. After a successful last night, which saw Seth Bergman won the heat race and finished sixth in the A-Main Seth found himself in the 3rd Points after a night in one of sprint car racing. Who dare to take the pill to see Bergman hot start to the tenth race. Seth akin get drivers crawling in the summer and this allows him to start the fifth for the main event. Bergman has given himself every chance for a strong finish in the A-Main.

Sprint Car Racing Fast and Furious

B Main saw Travis Rutz, Jason Sol wold, Jay Cole and Henry Van Dam’s face to the main features of this event. Before the main drivers entered the race track through the stand through the thick cloud of smoke that brings fans to their feet before the main race.
Seth’s team went to the main event in the new setup in which confidence and a strong performance.

Seth went on for a night of strong sprint car racing on the choice of Shane Stewart, Wayne Johnson and Jayme Barnes near the front and Roger Crockett in the beam. Bergman started the race in fifth position in the North West ASCS points leader Jared Ridge on the outside.
Bergman could not have asked a better start for him and Malsam Olson passed the first corner to move to third immediately before careful to Dunlap And after the first round.

Four rounds have been passed by Seth Jayme Barnes and settle down as the race started it with Seth Jared Ridge field both as a place to buy early going .. On lap nine from the moment that determines the race in progress and because the time may be as Bergman Ridge Masai and get one in turn. Ridge to the end wall.Bergman suffering a broken right rear shock due to collision. Ridge is upset because he looks out of the car and threw it to the steering wheel to Bergman as he circled by.Fans show their disliking towards Ridge booed as echoed from the stands.

Seth holes to the head region and head of the body ridges Bergman. A member of the team and encourage ridges pushed to Seth’s father as he felt Seth was to blame for the .. Seths team try to fix the damage, but time is running short and Seth for the night was over after a promising start.
For the rest of the sprint car races live green .. Shane Stewart took the win by finishing second Crockett.
There was a buzz in the region as a hole surrounded by fans of Bergman and ask about what is happening and if they get even fined.A Ridge fans to come and have clearly confused “I take my child to watch the grand sprint car racing and they have seen the type of waste”
Bergman has failed to end the race, but pleased with the performance of the car. Sprint car

racing is a sport a strong and Bergman showed this weekend he can compete at top level.

Classy Car Models

Last time I did a ‘classy model‘ Theme Tuesday it went over a lot better than I thought it would. Really I shouldn’t have been surprised. Guys like cars, and guys like girls it’s natural.

But girls also like cars, but they often do not like car show models. What girls do like (generally and in addition to cars) are clothes and style, thus classy car models give the female readers something to enjoy as well.

This way everyone wins! Except me, the screening process for this is hell on my eyes.

Classy... Iroc.. I know but still she's a good looking mostly clothed girl

This photo came up a lot in my search so I included it this time

Can't remember the last time I watched Power Block, is she still the host?

She is trying not to pull a Paris Hilton/Britney Spears

The car's not really my style but...

Another from the same shoot

A lot of the more tastefully dressed models prefer BMWs go figure

More BMW love

Her stance is odd

Rude to point and laugh young lady

Think she's imported?

Checking out back seat space...

Another picture of the Beetle chick from last time

Cool part about this photo is that she owns the car

It's not a car but I don't hear you complaining

Both the car and the girl are stunning

Auto Salon Aussie Car of the Month

Low, loud and meaner than a junkyard dog, this South Australian S15 is going to start kicking heads both here and abroad.
While you have to be different to want to modify a car, there are varying levels of "uniqueness" that each person brings to the scene. I mean, it's not the act of a cold, calculatingly logical person to invest tens of thousands of dollars into a means of transport, making it more expensive to run and making it far more uncomfortable and too powerful to drive on the street.

Theo and George Spartalis are not ordinary, and their cars are certainly far from average, often seamlessly integrating show quality build finish to hardcore race-style performance engineering. Both of these very special brothers shine on like crazy diamonds in the coalface that is the tuning scene and this wild S15 is Theo's opus, his toy, his pride and joy. Rather than keeping it placid with big rims, dumped stance, some styling efforts and around 250kW at the wheels, the Spartalis brothers took their inspiration from the most hardcore drag and circuit racing Silvias in Japan.

Theo made a pilgrimage to Japan a few years back, where the sight of the HKS Kyushu S15 running 10.4 on drag radials and using an SR20 pulled the strings in his mind, while it was witnessing the GT300-class C-West S15 JGTC racers (now Super GT) that stamped those formative lustful ideas and dreams into a cold, hard, wanton desire to build his own SR20DET-powered S15, something that could run a number at the drags or blast an enthralling lap out at a local circuit.

To achieve this, he scored himself a 2001-vintage Spec R S15 Silvia import and set about building a car that bridged JGTC circuit influence with some drag racing hardware and a pinch of road car smarts. At first, having spent well over $120,000 and three months in construction, it was a capable all rounder with over 400kW at the treads from its highly engineered SR20 (without nitrous), though it soon copped evolutionary upgrades to assist in its chase for a time slip and the world record for fastest SR20 on radial tyres.

At the start of the original build, Theo wanted the car to blend JGTC and drag styles into a road car and then take it from track to strip to street. However, his desire to run a fast time overcame the short-term circuit aspirations and any shred of road usage for the car, and so it slowly turned more into a strip-focused monster, though Theo reckons it can be re-tuned to smash lap records fairly easily and cheaply.

Before this latest round of modifications to really push it into drag car territory to run a number that Theo would be happy with, it had run a best time of 10.24@138mph on radials and 9.23@148.5mph on slicks, though these passes had been plagued with the kind of teething problems associated with massive feats of engineering like what this car packs. They had suffered all kinds of set-backs, from faulty battery charge warning lights, to shearing billet driveshafts, to a programming glitch on the MoTeC accidentally advancing the timing to nearly 27degrees (which would be enough to kill any normal motor)!

The whole build was excruciatingly difficult as the detail had to be off the clock. It had to be supremely well engineered, but finished to a standard that wouldn't be out of place on a brand new supercar or works-built factory racer. Still, running that first nine second pass made it all worthwhile for Theo, and he's rightfully proud of the advanced workmanship that is packed into the fatter-than-a-sumo two-door, the highlights of which are the seamlessly integrated C West GT widebody, the seam-welded chassis, the R32 Skyline GT-R rear-end, the carbon brakes from the USA and that ludicrously large T51R turbo.

Actually, that monster S13-generation SR20DET (used for simplicity's sake) is one area that has copped plenty of revision and updates over the tenure of the S15's life though most of that work has focused on attaining reliability rather than going for sky high dyno figures. The way the car gets out of the hole (off the line) and how strong it is in the mid-track has more to do with Theo's desire to run an ace time than outright grunt ever will (though that would net him a sweet mph figure).

The first thing most people spot in the engine bay is that monster HKS T51R KAI turbo, the snail pumps 30psi worth of boost into the now-2.2-litre SR20, though that's managed by the HKS 50mm external wastegate, TAL blow-off valve and Blitz Dual SBC boost controller. You can't run such a large huffer without the appropriate preparation being done to the bottom end, and on the GT Autosound S15 there's enough hi-po hardware in there to make a Silvia junkie drool with excitement.

In the block lies a Tomei stroker crank that has bumped capacity up to 2.2-litres and can spin far harder than the Nissan effort, while Power Enterprise bearings now handle the rpm, heat and stress from the manic motor, being able to turn to over 11,000rpm! While shopping at Tomei, Theo picked up a quartet of their matching 2.2-litre con rods to suit the motor as well as a set of oversize 87.5mm pistons that were then also Nikasil coated for extra strength and installed with unbelievably exotic titanium piston rings that are both lightweight and strong. There's also a Trust sump and oil cooler to ensure the motor's longevity.

Having experimented with both standard and heavily modified heads, Theo has settled on this expensive, labour-intensive set-up that is reportedly worth around $12,000 and packs exotic, intricate detailing like CNC porting, JUN billet plenum, Tomei valve springs and Manley titanium and aluminium valves. On the front of the motor, there is a Nissan VQ45 V8 throttle body and Tomei cam gears, while ARP head studs have been fitted to stop the top-end lifting off the long motor when that massive T51R gets a'spoolin'.

With the switch to methanol, the Sard 1000cc injectors currently doing duty will be joined by a second set. Theo had been running American-made Rochester units, but found them to be less than reliable on such a monstrously worked motor, something that can spell disaster and tens of thousands of dollars down the drain if it all goes wrong.

There's also twin SX fuel pumps that basically shower the 2.2-litre four-cylinder with C16 race fuel and twin VL Turbo fuel pumps for the nitrous system. Up the front, a custom radiator and cooling system reduce weight and handle the increased pressures in the system, while the whole exhaust was also custom made from scratch to suit Theo's exact specifications. Ignition is handled by twin MoTeC CDI ignitors as well as high-rate MSD coils and leads, ensuring massive amounts of spark get to those plugs and burn the huge amounts of fuel flowing into each combustion chamber, something that will be even more important with the switch to methanol as it takes double the amount of alcohol to provide the same amount of propulsion as conventional petrol.

Helping keep the detonation at bay is the Trust front-mount air-to-air 150mm-thick drag-spec intercooler. This unit sacrifices ultimate long-distance cooling efficiency for almost no pressure drop at all across the massive core, something that Theo's able to cope with seeing how the car's really only running at full-tilt for a maximum of 10.24 seconds at a time.

All that work adds up to 490 rear-wheel kilowatts without nitrous through the auto gearbox (and well over 500 with a manual), but has seen as high as 600kW at the wheels on the bottle, though this was running a very conservative 18deg of timing. Some of the reasons Theo wants to change the to methanol is because alcohol will burn much cleaner than C16 race fuel, run the motor at a much cooler temperature and allow almost 35 degrees of timing, which should add around 200hp to the car's prodigious total!

Auto Salon Aussie Car of the Month

J's Racing go to serious lengths on this 235kW naturally aspirated S2000!

Right from the moment you laid eyes on it, this AP1 had you, didn't it? Go on, even you turbo-junkie, died-in-the-wool brand whores will have to admit that this has to be one of the meanest, angriest S2000 Hondas you've seen, and also one of the best. This S2000 is built to circuit specifications, with thorough lightening of the chassis and body, along with a million adjustable suspension components and an engine that revs like a jet turbine.

To be able to lap Tsukuba in under the one-minute barrier, the line between all-out motor sport engineering and traditional street tuner modifications blurs. Every single piece of the motor's systems has to be scrutinised to check for inefficiencies, wasted power, less-than-perfect balance and possible weaknesses, because while they're all very minor on their own (perhaps contributing maybe one percent, if that), when you go right through a vehicle with a race engineer's eye you'll find quite a few of these issues and suddenly you've got a huge gain on your hands.

A couple of numbers concerning the highly worked F22C engine stand out on the info sheet the Japanese tuning legends provided us: 12.9:1 and 235. That is the sky high compression ratio and amazing amount of kilowatts this naturally aspirated 2.2-litre car puts out, which is about as far removed from your average street-driven AP1 as Jupiter is from Blacktown, and what an F22C it is!

One of J's Racing's own crate motors – which cashed up punters can buy for an eye-watering 798,000 Yen, plus shipping! – it is a finely balanced, high-revving, quad-throttle masterpiece that encapsulates all that is great and good about manic track-prepped Honda four-cylinders. In short, this thing is the alpha male of S2000 engines and you can't help but realise that the second you clap your peepers on it.

The custom intake and quad throttles feed obscene amounts of air into the completely rebuilt in-line four-cylinder, which has benefited from judicious reworking of Honda's already excellent engineering to provide a fantastically response powerplant that can withstand the brutal forces dished out from regular track work. The sump is now a J's Racing design that stops engine-destroying surging, while there are fluid coolers not just for the motor, but the gearbox and diff as well, all to ensure that they don't overheat and damage anything. Then there are the Mugen heavy duty engine mounts, Samco radiator hoses (that resist blowing off) and an Aussie MoTeC M400 ECU, which will keep a very strict electronic eye over proceedings.

Everything has been carefully tinkered with, as J's Racing went about changing and honing only what they needed to, though they saw fit to develop a new exhaust manifold and featherweight titanium exhaust system for the two-door flier. But, it's not just about power, with the efficient delivery of each of the 235kW the car puts down of utmost importance.

To this end, J's Racing had Exedy build them a custom-specification Hyper Single clutch, while the boys in the back room changed the final drive ratio to a shorter, more accelerative 4.4:1. They also packed in one of their own 1.5-way limited-slip centres for increased traction and a set of hardened gearbox and differential mounts to erase the slop of the standard rubber units and assist power delivery. It was those excessive tolerances that provided the impetus for a lot of the suspension work that went on under the sexy bodywork.

After having the shell spot-welded for strength and a thorough roll cage welded in, a set of J's Racing's own CRUX coilovers were fitted, shod with pillowball upper mounts for a solid mating face, as the noise and harshness damping effects of the stock rubber pieces were not required on this track-only brute. J's also fitted a 20mm roll centre adjuster to let them get their geometry bang on perfect, along with a set of pillow-mount tie rods to eliminate the S2000's cursed bump-steer (where the toe angle changes as the suspension moves up and down, slowing the car in the corner and making it unstable).

Further limitations were eradicated with the removal of the OEM suspension arms, which were replaced by J's Racing's own SPL rear pillow-mount arms, along with the J's Racing sub-frame reinforcement kit in both the front and rear ends, which reduces twisting and takes the last ounce of slack in the OEM road set-up and drop-kicks it out of the park. Make no mistake: this S2k is stiffer than one of the Sydney Harbour Bridge's support girders.

Concept Car

All the Bugatti Veyron needs is a little added flash. Are we good, or are we good? Anathematic as the anticipation ability be to some, there are others on this planet who are consistently attractive for addition way to appearance off their wealth, instead of ambuscade it in adopted accounts. And for those blatant few, there is Mansory.

Mansory Bugatti Veyron LINEA Vincero d'OroAlong with such blatant monstrosities as the Pepto-pink Bentley and the Polo Sport-on-acid Porsche Panamera, Mansory has adapted the Veyron with the Linea Vincero ambit of accessories, including a abounding aero kit (in case the Volkswagen authority hadn't invested abundant in accepting the Veyron's aerodynamics aloof right) and awful able carbon-fiber anatomy panels that accommodate chestnut accoutrement abstruse into the actual for alike added flash. The Vincero d'Oro, unbelievably, upgrades with gold brightwork on the wheels, V-shaped grille, aperture handles, mirror housings, ammunition accompaniment cap, headlight washer nozzles, headlight surrounds and roof. Naturally, the autogenous has been subjected to the gilded analysis as well.
Mansory Bugatti Veyron LINEA Vincero d'Oro

Alfa Romeo MiTo Turismo Sport Edition

Alfa Romeo MiTo Turismo Sport Edition
Alfa Romeo UK is affable a new appropriate copy adaptation of the adventurous bunched Alfa MiTo to its showrooms this month. Brimming with added agreeable and attainable from aloof £199 a ages with a £1,000 deposit, the Alfa MiTo has never been so enticingly accessible.

The new Alfa MiTo Turismo Sport combines head-turning design, activating achievement and engineering technology with an added £1,610 account of alternative accessories – all from aloof £12,895 OTR.

To add to an already adorable package, barter can additionally booty advantage of Alfa’s latest accounts accord that delivers the MiTo Turismo Sport 1.4 16V 95bhp from aloof £199 a ages with alone a £1,000 drop required.

The new antic copy will be attainable in a best of three visually arresting colors –Solid Black (as standard), Biancospino White or the new Alfa Metallic Red.

There is added best to be had back it comes to agent ability for the MiTo Turismo Sport.

The active 1.4 16V 95bhp petrol adaptation attainable from £12,895 OTR is abutting by the acclaimed 1.3 JTDM-2 95bhp MultiJet turbodiesel, which is attainable from £14,410 (£219 a ages with a £1000 deposit).

While the 95bhp 16V petrol agent provides a fun and agreeable drive, the avant-garde additional bearing MultiJet turbodiesel agent -JTDM-2 -perfectly complements the Alfa MiTo aesthetics of low emissions (112g/km of CO2) and ammunition burning (65.7mpg on the accumulated cycle) after compromising achievement and disciplinarian achievement (0-62mph in 11.6 seconds).

On top of the already absorbing accepted accessories begin in the MiTo Turismo; such as air conditioning and advanced Alfa D.N.A technology, the Alfa MiTo Turismo Sport appropriate copy includes 16” admixture wheels, rear spoiler, cruise control, Blue & Me™ technology, fog lights and a covering council caster accumulation audio and buzz controls.

Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG GT3 shine on Monterey

This image below speaksfor all. All you really need to know is that this isn't Dubai, Russia or even Germany – it's right here in Monterey for classic car week. You can probably identify the Mercedes-Benz inside that shiny wrapper on your own, but just in case you've recently taken an amnesia-inducing blow to the head, it's the Monterey SLS AMG GT3 – the race version of the company's new gullwing sports car. There's something to be said for having a mirror with you wherever you go, but this is a bit extreme. No matter, we think it looks amazing, even if it is just a wrap and not a polished car that's been stripped of its white paint to shed precious ounces before a race. Click on any image to see our full high-res gallery. photo Mercedes-Benz SLS AMG GT3

New Lancia Stratos

This is new 2010 Lancia Stratos. it has given in to the frenzy it's caused and posed pretty for the camera. Not only that but we have details too, like how it's got a Ferrari V8, ceramic brakes and a cost-is-no-object development budget.

2010 New Lancia Stratos

are you really curious with new Lancia Stratos, Well, this baby's got it all, the compact size, the clamshell openings, a tight, race-oriented cockpit and Ferrari power. A few things have changed though. Gone are the pop-up head lights, a victim of the times more than anything, and rather than a V6 mounted midship, instead there's a V8. The only one out there these days is the 4.5-liter from the 458, but who knows what could be lurking in there.
2010 New Lancia Stratos spyshoot
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